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Check Point CloudGuard IaaS High Availability Terraform deployment for Azure

This Terraform module deploys Check Point CloudGuard IaaS High Availability solution into a new Vnet in Azure. As part of the deployment the following resources are created:

  • Resource group
  • Virtual network
  • Network security group
  • System assigned identity
  • Availability Set - conditional creation

For additional information, please see the CloudGuard Network for Azure High Availability Cluster Deployment Guide

This solution uses the following modules:

  • /terraform/azure/modules/common - used for creating a resource group and defining common variables.
  • /terraform/azure/modules/vnet - used for creating new virtual network and subnets.
  • /terraform/azure/modules/network-security-group - used for creating new network security groups and rules.


  • Install and configure Terraform to provision Azure resources: Configure Terraform for Azure
  • In order to use ssh connection to VMs, it is required to add a public key to the /terraform/azure/high-availability-new-vnet/azure_public_key file.


  • Choose the preferred login method to Azure in order to deploy the solution:
    1. Using Service Principal:

    • Create a Service Principal (or use the existing one)

    • Grant the Service Principal at least "Managed Application Contributor", "Storage Account Contributor", "Network Contributor", "Virtual Machine Contributor", "User Access Administrator" permissions to the Azure subscription

    • The Service Principal credentials can be stored either in the terraform.tfvars or as Environment Variables

      In case the Environment Variables are used, perform modifications described below:

      a. The next lines in the file, in the provider azurerm resource, need to be deleted or commented:

            provider "azurerm" {
            //  subscription_id = var.subscription_id
            //  client_id = var.client_id
            //  client_secret = var.client_secret
            //  tenant_id = var.tenant_id
               features {}

      b. In the terraform.tfvars file leave empty double quotes for client_secret, client_id , tenant_id and subscription_id variables:

            client_secret                   = ""
            client_id                       = ""
            tenant_id                       = ""
            subscription_id                 = "" 

    2. Using az commands from a command-line:

    • Run az login command

    • Sign in with your account credentials in the browser

    • Accept Azure Marketplace image terms by running:
      az vm image terms accept --urn publisher:offer:sku:version, where:

      • publisher = checkpoint;
      • offer = vm_os_offer (see accepted values in the table below);
      • sku = vm_os_sku (see accepted values in the table below);
      • version = latest

        az vm image terms accept --urn checkpoint:check-point-cg-r8040:sg-byol:latest
    • In the terraform.tfvars file leave empty double quotes for client_secret, client_id and tenant_id variables.

  • Fill all variables in the /terraform/azure/high-availability-new-vnet/terraform.tfvars file with proper values (see below for variables descriptions).

  • From a command line initialize the Terraform configuration directory:

      terraform init
  • Create an execution plan:

      terraform plan
  • Create or modify the deployment:

      terraform apply

terraform.tfvars variables:

Name Description Type Allowed values
client_secret passwordThe client secret of the Service Principal used to deploy the solution string
client_id The client ID of the Service Principal used to deploy the solution string
tenant_id The tenant ID of the Service Principal used to deploy the solution string
subscription_id The subscription ID is used to pay for Azure cloud services string
source_image_vhd_uri The URI of the blob containing the development image. Please use noCustomUri if you want to use marketplace images. string
resource_group_name The name of the resource group that will contain the contents of the deployment string Resource group names only allow alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, hyphens and parenthesis and cannot end in a period
location The region where the resources will be deployed at. string The full list of Azure regions can be found at
cluster_name The name of the Check Point Cluster Object string Only alphanumeric characters are allowed, and the name must be 1-30 characters long
vnet_name The name of virtual network that will be created string The name must begin with a letter or number, end with a letter, number or underscore, and may contain only letters, numbers, underscores, periods, or hyphens
address_space The address prefixes of the virtual network string Valid CIDR block
subnet_prefixes The address prefixes to be used for created subnets string The subnets need to contain within the address space for this virtual network(defined by address_space variable)
admin_password The password associated with the local administrator account on each cluster member string Password must have 3 of the following: 1 lower case character, 1 upper case character, 1 number, and 1 special character
smart_1_cloud_token_a Smart-1 Cloud token to connect automatically Member A to Check Point's Security Management as a Service.

Follow these instructions to quickly connect this member to Smart-1 Cloud - SK180501
string A valid token copied from the Connect Gateway screen in Smart-1 Cloud portal
smart_1_cloud_token_b Smart-1 Cloud token to connect automatically Member B to Check Point's Security Management as a Service.

Follow these instructions to quickly connect this member to Smart-1 Cloud - SK180501
string A valid token copied from the Connect Gateway screen in Smart-1 Cloud portal
sic_key The Secure Internal Communication one time secret used to set up trust between the cluster object and the management server string Only alphanumeric characters are allowed, and the value must be 12-30 characters long
vm_size Specifies the size of Virtual Machine string "Standard_DS2_v2", "Standard_DS3_v2", "Standard_DS4_v2", "Standard_DS5_v2", "Standard_F2s", "Standard_F4s", "Standard_F8s", "Standard_F16s", "Standard_D4s_v3", "Standard_D8s_v3", "Standard_D16s_v3", "Standard_D32s_v3", "Standard_D64s_v3", "Standard_E4s_v3", "Standard_E8s_v3", "Standard_E16s_v3", "Standard_E20s_v3", "Standard_E32s_v3", "Standard_E64s_v3", "Standard_E64is_v3", "Standard_F4s_v2", "Standard_F8s_v2", "Standard_F16s_v2", "Standard_F32s_v2", "Standard_F64s_v2", "Standard_M8ms", "Standard_M16ms", "Standard_M32ms", "Standard_M64ms", "Standard_M64s", "Standard_D2_v2", "Standard_D3_v2", "Standard_D4_v2", "Standard_D5_v2", "Standard_D11_v2", "Standard_D12_v2", "Standard_D13_v2", "Standard_D14_v2", "Standard_D15_v2", "Standard_F2", "Standard_F4", "Standard_F8", "Standard_F16", "Standard_D4_v3", "Standard_D8_v3", "Standard_D16_v3", "Standard_D32_v3", "Standard_D64_v3", "Standard_E4_v3", "Standard_E8_v3", "Standard_E16_v3", "Standard_E20_v3", "Standard_E32_v3", "Standard_E64_v3", "Standard_E64i_v3", "Standard_DS11_v2", "Standard_DS12_v2", "Standard_DS13_v2", "Standard_DS14_v2", "Standard_DS15_v2", "Standard_D2_v5", "Standard_D4_v5", "Standard_D8_v5", "Standard_D16_v5","Standard_D32_v5", "Standard_D2s_v5", "Standard_D4s_v5", "Standard_D8s_v5", "Standard_D16s_v5", "Standard_D2d_v5", "Standard_D4d_v5", "Standard_D8d_v5", "Standard_D16d_v5", "Standard_D32d_v5", "Standard_D2ds_v5", "Standard_D4ds_v5", "Standard_D8ds_v5", "Standard_D16ds_v5", "Standard_D32ds_v5"
disk_size Storage data disk size size(GB) string A number in the range 100 - 3995 (GB)
vm_os_sku A sku of the image to be deployed string "sg-byol" - BYOL license for R80.40 and above;
"sg-ngtp" - NGTP PAYG license for R80.40 and above;
"sg-ngtx" - NGTX PAYG license for R80.40 and above
vm_os_offer The name of the image offer to be deployed string "check-point-cg-r8040";
os_version GAIA OS version string "R8040";
bootstrap_script An optional script to run on the initial boot string Bootstrap script example:
"touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
The script will create bootstrap.txt file in the /home/admin/ and add 'hello word' string into it
allow_upload_download Automatically download Blade Contracts and other important data. Improve product experience by sending data to Check Point boolean true;
authentication_type Specifies whether a password authentication or SSH Public Key authentication should be used string "Password";
"SSH Public Key";
availability_type Specifies whether to deploy the solution based on Azure Availability Set or based on Azure Availability Zone. string "Availability Zone";
"Availability Set";
enable_custom_metrics Indicates whether CloudGuard Metrics will be use for Cluster members monitoring. boolean true;
enable_floating_ip Indicates whether the load balancers will be deployed with floating IP. boolean true;
use_public_ip_prefix Indicates whether the public IP resources will be deployed with public IP prefix. boolean true;
create_public_ip_prefix Indicates whether the public IP prefix will created or an existing will be used. boolean true;
existing_public_ip_prefix_id The existing public IP prefix resource id. string Existing public IP prefix resource id
admin_shell Enables to select different admin shells string /etc/;
serial_console_password_hash Optional parameter, used to enable serial console connection in case of SSH key as authentication type, to generate password hash use the command 'openssl passwd -6 PASSWORD' on Linux and paste it here. string
maintenance_mode_password_hash Maintenance mode password hash, relevant only for R81.20 and higher versions, to generate a password hash use the command 'grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2' on Linux and paste it here. string

Conditional creation

  • To deploy the solution based on Azure Availability Set and create a new Availability Set for the virtual machines:
availability_type = "Availability Set"

Otherwise, to deploy the solution based on Azure Availability Zone:

availability_type = "Availability Zone"
  • To enable CloudGuard metrics in order to send statuses and statistics collected from HA instances to the Azure Monitor service:
enable_custom_metrics = true
  • To create new public IP prefix for the public IP:
    use_public_ip_prefix            = true
    create_public_ip_prefix         = true
  • To use an exisiting public IP prefix for the public IP:
    use_public_ip_prefix            = true
    create_public_ip_prefix         = false
    existing_public_ip_prefix_id    = "public IP prefix resource id"


client_secret                   = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
client_id                       = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
tenant_id                       = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
subscription_id                 = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
source_image_vhd_uri            = "noCustomUri"
resource_group_name             = "checkpoint-ha-terraform"
cluster_name                    = "checkpoint-ha-terraform"
location                        = "eastus"
vnet_name                       = "checkpoint-ha-vnet"
address_space                   = ""
subnet_prefixes                 = ["",""]
admin_password                  = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
smart_1_cloud_token_a           = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
smart_1_cloud_token_b           = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
sic_key                         = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
vm_size                         = "Standard_D3_v2"
disk_size                       = "110"
vm_os_sku                       = "sg-byol"
vm_os_offer                     = "check-point-cg-r8110"
os_version                      = "R8110"
bootstrap_script                = "touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
allow_upload_download           = true
authentication_type             = "Password"
availability_type               = "Availability Zone"
enable_custom_metrics           = true
enable_floating_ip              = false
use_public_ip_prefix            = false
create_public_ip_prefix         = false
existing_public_ip_prefix_id    = ""
admin_shell                     = "/etc/"
serial_console_password_hash    = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
maintenance_mode_password_hash  = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Revision History

In order to check the template version refer to the sk116585

Template Version Description
20230212 - Added Smart-1 Cloud support
20221124 - Added R81.20 support
- Upgraded azurerm provider
20220111 - Added support to select different shells.
20210309 - Add "source_image_vhd_uri" variable for using a custom development image
20210111 - Update terraform version to 0.14.3
- Update azurerm version to 2.17.0
- Add authentication_type variable for choosing the authentication type.
- Merge ha-availability-set-new-vnet and ha-availability-zones-new-vnet deployments to one deployment.
- Adding support for R81.
- Add support to CloudGuards metrics.
- Update resources for NSG #67
- The cluster member current state is kept when redeploying.
- Avoid role-assignment re-creation when re-apply
20200508 - Add backend load balancer rules resource.
- Rename the health probe for the backend load balancer.
- Rename the template name to "ha"
20200305 First release of Check Point CloudGuard IaaS High Availability Terraform deployment for Azure
Addition of "templateType" parameter to "cloud-version" files.


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